Those of you suffering from ADHD will no doubt be familiar with Vyvanse already. Some of you may be finding that Vyvanse is causing you to lose weight more than you would like, which is why you’re here looking for answers. if that’s you, we recommend looking at some over the counter Adderall alternatives which might be better for you.
But for those of you who are only learning about the prescription drug now as you search for potential weight loss solutions, it is incredibly important that you read this article!
A growing number of people are using Vyvanse – obtained without a proper prescription – to help them lose weight. Being an amphetamine-based ADHD medication and potent stimulant drug, this certainly makes sense. But using Vyvanse to burn fat is extremely dangerous.
In this article, we’re going to explain why using Vyvanse for weight loss is a bad idea. We will explain how Vyvanse and other ADHD medicatons work, why people use them to speed up fat loss during a diet, and how Vyvanse might cause unintended or unwanted weight loss in people with ADHD.
Vyvanse and Weight Loss
Vyvanse has a weight loss effect. This is something many people have noticed pretty much since the drug was first prescribed for ADHD. Dextroamphetamine has been proven to suppress appetite, increase energy levels and speed up metabolism. The release of dopamine occurs when the central nervous system (CNS) is stimulated by Vyvanse.
Dopamine increases are believed to be responsible for people feeling satisfied without eating. Combining a faster metabolism with appetite suppression can lead to weight loss. The FDA approved this drug for the treatment binge-eating disorder in February 2015. Vyvanse can be used to control certain eating disorders but it is not recommended for long-term weight loss.
How Vyvanse Causes Weight Loss
How does Vyvanse actually cause weight loss?
Vyvanse can cause weight loss in many different ways. It increases metabolism, decreases appetite, and boosts motivation for most people. It is common to see weight loss in a short time frame (e.g. months) while taking Vyvanse daily. People will experience weight loss at different rates and degrees depending on how the below mechanisms affect them.
Appetite Suppression
A widely recognized consequence of Vyvanse usage is appetite suppression. Many users, especially those on higher doses, have reported significant reductions in their desire to eat. The sensation of hunger is noticeably diminished, making it a challenge for individuals to maintain their regular dietary habits.
Metabolic Acceleration
Vyvanse’s stimulatory properties play a significant role in accelerating metabolic processes, and this can be largely attributed to its active ingredient: lisdexamfetamine, which the body converts to dextroamphetamine. Dextroamphetamine, like other amphetamines, acts primarily by increasing the release and activity of neurotransmitters, especially norepinephrine and dopamine, in the brain.
This heightened neurotransmitter activity has systemic effects on the body. One of the significant outcomes is an increased heart rate and blood pressure. The body, in response to these changes, increases its energy expenditure. Essentially, the heart works harder, the blood circulates faster, and the body burns calories at an enhanced rate, even during states of rest.
The phenomenon of thermogenesis is pivotal in understanding how amphetamine-based drugs, including Vyvanse, influence energy expenditure. Thermogenesis, as its name suggests, relates to the generation of heat within the body. In biological terms, this process is a part of the body’s metabolic functions, responsible for maintaining core body temperature and aiding in essential functions.
When substances like Vyvanse come into play, they intensify the body’s thermogenic response. The mechanism underlying this involves the stimulation of the central nervous system by amphetamines. When the central nervous system is stimulated, it increases the release of certain neurotransmitters, especially norepinephrine, which has a profound effect on increasing body temperature. This rise in temperature is the body’s response to the drug, and as the temperature elevates, there’s an inherent need for more energy to sustain this change.
Cognitive Enhancement and Mindful Eating
Vyvanse is often linked to cognitive enhancements. Research supports its ability to improve aspects such as clarity of thought, memory function, and concentration. Because of its nootropic properties, many users have reported notable improvements in their academic and professional performance. A less discussed but equally important benefit is the drug’s potential to enhance mindfulness in eating habits. With sharper cognitive functions, individuals can become more discerning in their food choices, paving the way for healthier dietary decisions.
Vyvanse and Dopamine Modulation
Dopamine, a vital neurotransmitter associated with reward and pleasure, sees an uptick with Vyvanse usage. Elevated dopamine levels have been correlated with increased focus, self-awareness, and overall satisfaction. Research suggests that individuals with lower dopamine levels might be more susceptible to obesity. Thus, when Vyvanse raises dopamine levels, users often experience heightened satiety, reducing the urge to indulge in excessive eating.
The “Fight or Flight” Mechanism
Upon ingesting Vyvanse, the sympathetic nervous system becomes activated, triggering a “fight or flight” response. This heightened state of alertness can stimulate the body to burn additional energy reserves. By enhancing the sympathetic nervous system’s activity, the drug indirectly influences metabolic regulation, potentially aiding in weight loss.
Boost in Energy Levels
Vyvanse, being a psychostimulant, augments both mental and physical energy. Users often report feeling rejuvenated and more physically active. Elevated energy levels often translate to a greater inclination towards exercise, be it hitting the gym, engaging in aerobic activities, or lifting weights.
Enhanced Motivation
Beyond just increasing dopamine levels in the cortex, Vyvanse has a profound impact on motivation. As the drive-enhancing neurotransmitter levels rise, individuals often find themselves more committed to completing tasks. This can manifest in lifestyle choices, prompting users to opt for healthier diets, engage in regular exercise, and set more ambitious health-related goals.
Physical Activity and Metabolism
With the surge in energy that Vyvanse provides, users are naturally more inclined to participate in physical activities. Increased physical activity, in turn, can boost metabolism, facilitating weight loss by burning calories more efficiently.
Improved Self-Control
One of the ancillary benefits of Vyvanse is its potential to bolster self-control, especially in individuals with ADHD who might inherently struggle with impulsivity. As dopamine levels soar, users often exhibit heightened self-awareness, which could translate to resisting previously irresistible temptations, like indulging in high-calorie desserts.
Potential Side Effects and Weight Loss
While Vyvanse offers various benefits, potential side effects, although rare, can contribute to weight loss. Adverse effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea can indirectly lead to weight reduction. Persistent feelings of nausea can deter individuals from eating, while frequent episodes of diarrhea or vomiting can lead to a caloric deficit, thereby promoting weight loss.
Vyvanse users often lose weight due to many of these factors. You should understand that certain factors can play a greater role in weight loss than others. One person might experience an increase in energy to exercise, while another person may feel less hungry but have more energy.
Using Vyvanse for Weight Loss: The Dangers & Limitations
Vyvanse should not be used for weight loss purposes in the long-term. Vyvanse is not approved by doctors for weight loss. It can lead to addiction, dependence, abuse, and eventually a rebound effect that could result in severe weight gain after discontinuation.
- Abuse: When people start to realize the negative effects of this drug (e.g., weight loss), they may turn to using it. It may be necessary to take higher than the recommended doses for weight loss or pleasure. A long-term abuse of the drug can lead to serious side effects.
- Addiction: Despite the fact that it may be less addictive that Adderall (amphetamine-mixed salts), some people report that Vyvanse can be more addictive. It is a Schedule II controlled substance, meaning that it can cause addiction. It can be easy to become attached to both the weight loss and pro-cognitive benefits that it offers.
- Dependence: Some people who take Vyvanse over a long period of time or at high doses develop dependence. They may find it difficult to function without Vyvanse. They might become dependent on the drug for all aspects of their lives, including relationships, school/work, and fitness.
- Diminished returns: After taking this drug for a while, your weight loss may slow down or, in certain cases, increase. You’ll see diminishing returns if you continue to take the drug for a long time. The drug’s effects decrease when your body becomes more tolerant.
- Dopamine depletion: Some believe that long-term, consistent use of psychostimulants can cause brain dopamine loss. People often experience low energy and dysphoria during withdrawal. Depleted or low levels of dopamine can lead to weight gain or overeating.
- Illegal It is illegal to use this medication for weight loss. Although it was approved by the FDA to treat binge eating disorder and weight management in obese patients, it is not approved by the FDA. Follow your doctor’s instructions if you take this drug.
- Muscle Loss: Many people’s metabolism can accelerate to the point where they experience muscle loss. If you don’t eat enough and lose weight with Vyvanse then some of the weight could have come from your muscles. This is not healthy, even though you might not care about how much weight you lose.
- Side effects: Some people may find it difficult to manage side effects from the drug on a daily basis. Side effects include headaches, increased blood pressure, insomnia and other sleep disturbances. Although side effects can generally be tolerated, some people have difficulty coping with them.
- Tolerance: Although it may take some time to get used to the different doses of this drug you will eventually become more comfortable with its effects. The weight loss might stop. This can lead to you being “weight neutral” or even gaining weight. To counter the tolerance you develop, increase the dose until you reach the maximum recommended dose. This will eventually lead to tolerance. Tolerance will make it more difficult to lose weight.
- Unrealistic body image: Taking Vyvanse may give you a boost of confidence, but if you stop taking the drug you might not be able to achieve this body. Vyvanse can help you lose weight and possibly surpass your genetic limits. The drug can make it very depressing and discourageing for people who constantly compare their body to the results of Vyvanse.
- Withdrawal : Going through Vyvanse withdrawal For some, it can be a very difficult experience. This withdrawal period can be marked by anxiety, weight gain, mood swings and metabolic slowing. Depression caused by low-dopamine . Vyvanse is a drug that causes weight loss.
- Rebound effect: It is important to remember that a “rebound” effect is only experienced after homeostatic function has been restored within the physiology. Your body will need to adjust to the fact that you have become accustomed to the drug’s effects. This can lead to you gaining more weight than you have lost during your treatment. You may feel depressed by the fact that your body is no longer ideal.
The risks of using Vyanse to lose weight without a prescription or medical supervision are very real and can be serious. Any potential weight loss you experience will not be worth the risks of using Vyvanse without the supervision of a doctor.
How much weight will you lose on Vyvanse?
Vyvanse can cause weight loss, but it’s impossible to predict exactly how much. You will likely lose weight if you don’t have any other medications or are taking Vyvanse at a moderate to high dosage. Many people lose between 5 and 10 lbs. Some people lose as much as 10 lbs. Others have experienced extreme weight loss of up to 50 lbs within the first few months.
Weight loss is influenced by many factors, such as how much exercise you do and what foods you eat. Keep in mind that this medication is not intended to cause weight loss. Some people even hate the idea of losing weight. Your doctor might reconsider refilling your prescription if you become too thin on Vyvanse.
How long does it take to see weight loss on Vyvanse?
Practically everybody taking Vyvanse will experience some weight loss within 4 months of starting treatment. Many people experience significant decreases in body weight much sooner than this, sometimes in the first 3 weeks.
The active ingredients in Vyvanse of course work immediately, decreasing appetite, sometimes making you lose interest in food for hours on end. But this loss of appetite takes time to translate into real, measurable weight loss.
Vyvanse weight loss dosage
How much Vyvanse should you take for weight loss?
There is actually a recommended dose for Vyvanse for assisting with weight loss. Vyvanse can be prescribed for binge eating disorders and other eatin disorders that can cause excessive weight gain. For those indications, doctors typically prescribe 30mg of Vyvanse per day. That is the standard starting dose for people on Vyvanse. If it is being used to assist with weight loss or to control an eating disorder, larger doses are not necessary.
Is Vyvanse effective for everyone?
Vyvanse is not a weight loss product. It would be difficult to find a Vyvanse user who hasn’t lost some weight within the first six months. The drug increases metabolism, reduces appetite (and cravings), provides more energy and can make you more conscious of your food choices. Nearly everyone loses weight during treatment. Individuals can decide if the weight loss is significant.
Comparison of unwanted and therapeutic weight loss while on ADHD meds
Extra weight loss can be a problem for those who are already thin. You might want to consider the therapeutic benefits and the weight loss (as well other side effects) of the drug.
Talk to your doctor if you feel like you’re losing too much weight due to the drug. It is important to evaluate how effective the drug is in treating your condition. Also, consider the potential drawbacks (such as unwanted weight loss and muscle mass loss).
Vyvanse vs. Other ADHD Medications: Weight Loss Effects
In this section, we delve into a comparison of Vyvanse with other popular ADHD medications – Adderall, Focalin, and Concerta – to understand their potential impact on weight. It’s crucial to approach this topic with an informed perspective, ensuring that the primary purpose of these drugs – managing ADHD symptoms – remains at the forefront of any discussion.
Adderall, comprised of amphetamine salts, is another stimulant medication commonly prescribed for ADHD. Similar to Vyvanse, Adderall can suppress appetite and lead to weight loss. While some individuals might view this as a “benefit”, it’s essential to understand that such weight loss might not be sustainable and could rebound once the medication is discontinued. Furthermore, excessive weight loss can lead to other health complications if not managed correctly.
Focalin, or dexmethylphenidate, is another medication in the stimulant class. It acts on the central nervous system to increase attention and decrease impulsiveness. As with Vyvanse and Adderall, one of the side effects of Focalin can be decreased appetite, potentially resulting in weight loss. As always, it’s essential to consider that any weight loss effect may be temporary, and prolonged use for this purpose can lead to other concerns.
Concerta, which contains methylphenidate, is yet another stimulant used to treat ADHD. It provides a controlled release of the medication throughout the day, reducing the need for multiple doses. Similar to the other medications mentioned, Concerta can also lead to appetite suppression and subsequent weight loss. However, like with all stimulant medications, relying on Concerta for weight loss can be problematic and is not its intended use.
While Vyvanse, Adderall, Focalin, and Concerta can all potentially lead to weight loss due to appetite suppression, it’s crucial to understand that this is a side effect and not the primary purpose of these medications. Using them mainly for weight loss can lead to misuse, potential health risks, and other unintended consequences. As always, it’s vital to consult with a medical professional before making any decisions regarding these medications.
Learn more:
- Nootropics for ADHD
- Adderall and weight loss
- Strattera and weight loss
- Adderall tolerance
- Adderall and anxiety
Vyvamind: The Superior Over-the-Counter Vyvanse Alternative
In the quest for enhanced cognitive function and focus, many individuals have turned to prescription medications like Vyvanse. While Vyvanse is effective for treating ADHD, its off-label use for weight loss has raised concerns due to the associated risks and side effects. For those searching for a safer, over-the-counter alternative, especially with weight management in mind, Vyvamind emerges as the standout choice.
Vyvamind is specifically formulated to offer cognitive enhancement while also potentially aiding in weight management. It contains a blend of natural ingredients, each carefully chosen to support mental alertness, focus, and even appetite control. Unlike the risks associated with misusing prescription ADHD medications, Vyvamind provides a balanced approach to cognitive support without the dangerous side effects.
Ingredients of Vyvamind:
- Caffeine: Enhances alertness and reduces perceived effort, which can be particularly beneficial during workouts.
- Tyrosine: An amino acid precursor to crucial neurotransmitters, supporting mental clarity and focus.
- Citicoline: Supports brain health and enhances memory and cognitive function.
- Theanine: Promotes relaxation without drowsiness, aiding in a calm, focused mindset.
- B6 & B12: Essential vitamins that play vital roles in energy production and neurotransmitter synthesis.
In conclusion, while the allure of Vyvanse for weight loss might seem tempting, the risks far outweigh the benefits, especially when used without a proper prescription. Vyvamind, with its natural and effective ingredients, offers a safer and more balanced approach for those looking to enhance cognition and potentially support weight management. Always prioritize safety and long-term health, and consider Vyvamind as your top over-the-counter choice for a Vyvanse alternative.

Brian Johnson is current Editor of and a long-time writer for VAGA. A former psychologist, Brian is passionate about improving mental health and finding ways to stave off cognitive decline. He is an expert on nootropics, cognitive enhancement and biohacking more broadly. You can see his work on Google scholar.
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